Is Acupuncture Painful?

Overall acupuncture is pain free. We use very thin stainless steel needles. During insertion there is little to no discomfort. Some areas of the body are more sensitive than others, but any discomfort only last a second. The usual sensations once the needle is inserted are heaviness, slight numbness or tingling, warmth or pressure. These sensations tend to fade as you relax on the table.

How Does acupuncture work?

Using needles and other adjunctive tools acupuncture stimulates specific points near and on the surface of the skin- these points are then able to alter biochemical and physiological functions of the body. Endorphins, hormones and neurotransmitters are released as a result. These released substances relax the body, regulate serotonin in the brain, and stop pain. Other physiological effects include increased circulation, decreased inflammation, relief of muscle spasms and increased T-cell count, which supports a healthy immune system.

Are there any side effects?

Acupuncture needles are one-time use, sterile, FDA-approved medical devices. While acupuncture is a highly safe form of physical medicine, there are a few risks. These include bruising, fainting, muscle spasms, bleeding, nerve damage (extremely rare) and punctured organs (extremely rare). To minimize the risks I took multiple anatomy & physiology classes, multiple Western Pathology classes, and over 800 hours of clinical internships with some of the best Acupuncturists in Colorado.

What to except for my first treatment?

The first appointment is longer than a follow up. This is due to an extended health history review in addition to the normal intake of your chief complaint. This extended review allows me to get a feeling for your underlying constitution, so that I can easily identify when things are normal or not normal for you. Once the interview is complete, I will create a treatment plan for you. I will discuss what other adjunctive therapies may also be beneficial and a timeline of needed treatments. Last, you will receive your personalized treatment.

What else can I expect from my Appointment?

During the treatment, needles are retained for around 25-30 minutes while you rest and relax on the table. It’s common for people to even fall asleep. Some treatment plans may included needles that are not retained or needles that may have moxa balls, e-stim cords, etc attached.

After the appointment you will feel relaxed and calm. Occasionally you can feel tired or drowsy for a few hours after an appointment. Making sure to be hydrated and have eaten a snack prior to the appointment minimizes the drowsiness. Some conditions may flare up short-term as healing begins.

How to prepare for my acupuncture treatment?

Before your appointment make sure:

  • Wear loose and comfortable clothing

  • No brightly colored food or drinks that may dye your tongue (includes tea and coffee)

  • Make sure you are hydrated and have eaten a light snack or meal before your appointment

  • No alcohol, drugs, or tobacco before or immediately after your appointment

Begin your healing journey today—your body's wisdom is calling.